The photos below are from a dive to the Kurn on Aug 18,2002 depth was 100ft. It is an ocean going tug that is broken in half, the 2 pieces are about 100ft apart.

This is Donald Koonce, all worn out.

Notice the human fly trap ;-).
This is a deck hatch to the engine room. This is an electric motor in the engine room.
Amberjack followed me everywhere. They were cool to see.
l l
I ran a line for the others to follow over open sand to get to the bow which is about 100ft away. This is one of 4 flounder I got.

Can you see the flounder here?

The bow is in pretty bad shape.
The bridge lays in the sand. Another flounder.
This is Donald, he was about to take my flounder, then he saw they were already on a stringer.