The photos below are from a dive trip to the Proteus on May 31st. Photos by Mike Boring and Brad Sheard

Brad, Yoda, Karen, Dan, and Mike Dan under the stern of the Proteus.
Sand tiger on the Proteus. Dan checking out the Proteus.
Sand tiger on the Proteus. Dan checking out the gears.
Sand tiger swimming through bait fish. Turtle resting under the wreck.
Sand tiger on the Proteus. Dan checking out the hook.
Dan petting the turtle. The turtle swims away.
If Dan only knew what was behind him! Sand tiger and fish swimming on the wreck.
Brad gets a great shot of a Sand Tiger swimming through bait fish in b/w Brad gets a great shot of a Sand Tiger swimming through bait fish in color.
Brad gets another one of the Sand Tiger Brad looking down at the wreck from the anchor line. Notice how many Sand Tigers are in the picture.
Brad gets a close up picture a Sand Tiger Yoda waiting to go diving.
Mike Boring suiting up. Dan Boring cleaning his mask.
Brad getting ready to dive in! Bill returns from hooking the wreck.
Bill helps Yoda get ready to jump in. Karen getting her rebreather ready.
Dan had a great dive. Mike returns from taking another great set of photos.
Bill helping JT land a dolphin! The dolphin put up a good fight! Dinner tonight!
Brad coming back from the dive. Yoda coming back.
Karen back from her dive.